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Poem Writing Art Assignment during Coronvirus Pandemic

Stephen Lursen creative assignment free homeschool poem writing Stephen Lursen art teacher

Poem Writing Art Assignment during Coronvirus Pandemic

This is part 1 of my middle school art student's assignment. I'm posting it here for all homeschoolers and new homeschool parents who find themselves interested in a new, globally-minded, and relevant creative art project for themselves or their kids. Enjoy!

Here’s the idea. Each one of us/you will brainstorm and write a poem about the coronavirus and/or social distancing and how you are handling it. You will edit this poem for clarity, cleverness, and grammar and turn it in.

Make it real and emotional by giving specific true-to-life examples, or make it super creative by writing an allegory or metaphor for your current experience.

  • An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
  • A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  • A poem is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanza structure.

Once you're finished with your poem, move on to part 2: illustration

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Writing and Illustrating a Children's Book - Part 6 Consolidating your pages for publishing

Stephen Lursen .epub file book design children's book ereader free PDF file short story

Writing and Illustrating a Children's Book - Part 6 Consolidating your pages for publishing

In this post, I demonstrate how to overlay text over your illustration/page in Gimp. After you complete all your pages, save them out as a JPEG and PDF files. For simple consolidation use the pdfs and drag and drop the thumbnail of one over the other starting with your book cover. For Ereader files (.epub files) you can build your book page by page in a google document and then download it for free as a .epub file. At that point you're ready to sell it or post it online! Go ahead and make yourself famous!

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Writing and Illustrating a short story part 4 - your first illustration

Stephen Lursen children's book coloring digitally drawing free illustration photoshop writing and illustrating

Writing and Illustrating a short story part 4 - your first illustration

Today you will illustrate your first illustration from your storybook. Remember, you may do as many illustrations as you like within your book. The minimum is 2 illustration pages, per person. Let's start by evaluating your storyboard page from your first passage of text. This should already be complete by now. If not, go back to the storyboard assignment and complete it first, then move forward to this step. Looking at your complete storyboard page of three design options, think about which design best communicates the feeling and event from the selected passage. Now that you have a clear idea...

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Writing and illustrating a short story - part 3 storyboarding your illustrations

Stephen Lursen brainstorming children's book drawing free idea generation illustration short story sketching stephen lursen storyboard storyboarding writing

Writing and illustrating a short story - part 3 storyboarding your illustrations

Storyboard Design is a commonly used practice within a production process for show business but is also extremely beneficial for brainstorming book illustrations. Its basically brainstorming and showing multiple potential layouts, compositions, and examples of how you can illustrate a line or event from within your book. Here is a video to reference to gain a better understanding of what storyboarding is all about.   I want you to write one of your sentences from your story at the top of a page. Under your story sentence, draw three rectangles stacked vertically on top of one another. Within each box, I...

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How To Evaluate Your Art by Stephen Lursen

Stephen Lursen free Painting basics painting tutorial stephen lursen

How To Evaluate Your Art by Stephen Lursen

Hi! Welcome to today's blog article where I talk about how you can evaluate, consider, and develop your artwork. To begin talking about how to evaluate art in general, you must first have a strong understanding of how to talk about the elements and principles of art and design. Once you can break apart a painting into its core elements and principles, you can critique it alone or in a group and ensure everyone else understands exactly what you're talking about. It also allows you to simplify a potentially complicated image to evaluate the core purpose or message within the art...

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